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Rating System Wiki
IFCO 16 (Cinema)

Films classified in this category are suitable for persons of sixteen or over. Those under sixteen will not be admitted to cinemas and it is the responsibility of each cinema, under law, to ensure that this is the case. The 16 certificate recognizes the ability of today's teenagers to digest and understand mature themes and complex material. Many films that would previously have been classified 18 are now classified in this category.

-Irish Film Classification Office (IFCO)

16 is a film classification issued by the Irish Film Classification Office (IFCO), for use in the Republic of Ireland. The classification in question restricts admittance, to films which fall under this category, to persons aged 16 and older.

The IFCO 16 rating was first introduced in January 2005, in response to the 15PG rating awarded to the film Bad Santa (which resulted in the IFCO receiving numerous complaints from members of the Irish general public).

The 16 rating, as with some other IFCO ratings is applied solely on film (in a theatrical context), however unlike other IFCO classifications no equivalent to the 16 rating exists for DVD releases in the Republic of Ireland, meaning that when a 16-rated film is submitted for DVD classification the IFCO must instead choose between the two available categories for DVD classification, 15 and 18.

This test is generally applied based on suitability, for example, films such as Jackass Forever, Last Night in Soho, Midsommar, Overlord, Ready or Not, Scream (2022) and The Gentleman were each passed 16 on film but later upgraded to 18 for DVD release by de-facto, since 16 falls between the two available DVD classifications of 15 and 18, and whilst the IFCO considers such films to be suitable for a person aged 16 or older, they do not feel that said films are suitable for an audience of 15 or younger, and as such films of this nature are passed 18 for DVD release due to the lack of an available classification on DVD to accommodate those over 16. Comparatively however, there are also a number of 16-rated films (such as Birds of Prey, Deadpool, Hustlers, Logan, Parasite, The Lighthouse and The Suicide Squad) with which the IFCO considers equally as suitable for a 15-year-old to view, as they would a person otherwise aged 16 or older, and as such films such as these are downgraded to 15 for DVD release).

Equivalent to: Medium R for movies and medium TV-MA for television.


According to the IFCO:

  • Themes: "Most themes/content will be acceptable with classification decided by the way the subject is treated."
  • Violence: "Violence might be intensely depicted and may include some gory imagery. We take particular account of the way in which sexual violence is portrayed. The portrayal of such content in this category should not be explicit and must have clear contextual justification. Strong horror and sustained threat may be acceptable but will not include the strongest images of sadism and torture."
  • Sex/Nudity: "Strong sexual themes and content may be permissible provided it is not gratuitous."
  • Language: "Strong language is acceptable within this category."
  • Drugs: "Films at this category might feature themes and scenes relating to hard drug use. However, any instructional or glamorised drug use, particularly involving teen protagonists, is unlikely to be acceptable."


37 films for cinema release were given a 16 certificate by the IFCO (2021 Annual Report).

E.g., The Suicide Squad (consumer advice: Strong violence and bloody action.)

Irish Film Classification Office (IFCO)
Cinema certificates
IFCO G (Cinema) IFCO PG (Cinema) IFCO 12A IFCO 15A IFCO 16 (Cinema) IFCO 18 (Cinema)

Video certificates

Formerly used certificates
