Rating System Wiki

Australia uses a complicated and very strict rating system for its programming. It is based on the Australian Classification Board system used for classifying films. The system uses six tiers. This rating system is maintained by the Australian Communications and Media Authority, a branch of the Australian Government.

Child-specific ratings[]

  • P: This content is purely for preschool children (children who have not yet started school). Advertisements may not be shown to interrupt P-rated programs. No prizes may be offered or given during a P-classified program. Equivalent to TV-Y in the US.
  • C: This content is purely for children under 14 years of age, but over the preschool age. Each 30 minute broadcast of a C-classified program may not contain more than seven minutes of appropriate advertising. Equivalent to TV-Y7 in the US.

Standard ratings[]

  • G: For all ages, but that might not interest kids. Content is very mild in impact.[note 1] Equivalent to TV-G in the US.
  • PG: Parental guidance is recommended for young viewers. Content is mild in impact. This rating was previously known as PGR, meaning "Parental Guidance Recommended".[note 2] Equivalent to TV-PG in the US.
  • M: This content is recommended for mature audiences 15 years and over. Content is moderate in impact. This rating was previously known as AO, meaning "Adults Only".[note 3] Equivalent to low TV-14 in the US.
  • MA 15+: Unsuitable for persons aged under 15. Content is strong in impact. Films that would get an R 18+ in their original form are often edited and given an MA 15+ rating.[note 4] Equivalent to high TV-14 and low TV-MA in the US.[note 5]
  • AV 15+: Unsuitable for persons aged under 15. A content-specific version of MA 15+ that was mostly used for violent films. Violence is strong in impact. Retired on December 1st, 2015, having since been merged into MA 15+.[note 6]

Adult "Pay Per View" only[]

  • R 18+: Suitable only for adults. Uncut versions of R 18+ content are banned from airing on standard, non-pay TV channels. Content is high in impact. Equivalent to high TV-MA in the US.

Video gallery[]


  1. G programming can air anytime
  2. PG programming can air anytime since December 2015
  3. M programming may air only between 7:30 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. and also between 12:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. during school days
  4. MA15+ programming may air only between 8:30 p.m. (9:30 p.m. on ABC Me) and 6:00 a.m.
  5. This rating is hard to compare as M is a 15+ rating as well. Streaming sites like Funimation will age restrict MA15+ rated content (or higher) but not M rated (or below) content in Australia. In the US Funimation will restrict TV-MA rated content but not TV-14 rated (or below) content.
  6. AV15+ programming may air only between 9:30 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. (Never used on ABC3, and it is known as MAV15+ on SBS)