Adults Only 18+ is an ESRB rating that indicates a video game can not be played by anyone under 18. According to the ESRB, an AO rated video game "may contain prolonged scenes of intense violence, graphic sexual content and/or gambling with real currency."
- French name: Adultes seulement 18+
- Spanish name: Adultos Ășnicamente +18
So far, there have only been 24 video games with an AO rating. Sony's, Nintendo's, and Microsoft's policies are not allowing AO rated video games on their consoles, making them available only for release on PC and (probably) macOS. Also, Twitch, a gaming streaming serviceäždoes not allow the streaming of video games whose ESRB rating is Adults Only. More recently, most NFT or blockhain games are rated AO because they encourage real gambling.
Video games with this rating are rated D in Mexico.
Contrary to popular belief, the AO rating is not used for adult/pornographic video games, and most games of this nature are not submitted for ratings in the US.
Examples of notable AO rated video games
- Thrill Kill (which was canceled) (Animated Blood and Gore, Animated Violence)
- Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (due to a mod, its ESRB rating was temporarily rated AO and later changed to an M) (Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Strong Language, Strong Sexual Content, Use of Drugs)
- Manhunt 2 (PC version, 2009) (Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Strong Language, Strong Sexual Content, Use of Drugs)
- Hatred (Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Strong Language)
- Hatred was highly controversial for the misanthropic and brutally violent nature of the player character. It is the one of the few AO rated video games released without any sexual content.
- Peak Entertainment Casinos (Gambling)
- To date, this is the only AO rated game to be rated as such for a reason other than sex or violence.
- MPA's NC-17 rating
- MTRCB's R-18 and hard SPG ratings
- PEGI's 18 rating
- BBFC's 18 rating
- ACB's R 18+ rating
- CERO's Z rating
- Netflix's 18+ rating
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