Rating System Wiki
Rating System Wiki

The Film and Publication Board, or FPB, is a content-classification and regulation authority in South Africa that rates films and video games.

Film ratings[]

Nine different tiers are given for feature films, one of the most for a single classification system.

  • A: The material is suitable for all ages. However, this rating does not always specify a "children's material". This rating is given only to films for public exhibition. Impact is negligible. Equivalent to G.
  • PG: All ages admitted. However, parental guidance is recommended for younger audiences. This is the lowest rating given to home video releases/video games. Low in impact. Equivalent to low PG in movies.
  • 7-9PG: Only children aged 7 and above can be admitted, and those aged 7 to 9 must be accompanied by an adult. Mild in impact. Equivalent to medium PG.
  • 10-12PG: Only children aged 10 and above can be admitted, and those aged 10 to 12 must be accompanied by an adult. Moderate in impact. Equivalent to high PG in movies.
  • 13: Only persons aged 13 and above can be admitted. It is illegal to sell a 13-rated video to a person under 13 years. Moderate in impact. Equivalent to PG-13.
  • 16: Only persons aged 16 and above can be admitted. It is illegal to sell a 16-rated video to a person under 16 years. Strong in impact. Equivalent to R in movies.
  • 18: Only persons aged 18 and above can be admitted. It is illegal to sell an 18-rated video to a person under 18 years. Very strong in impact. Equivalent to NC-17.

The 10 age category used to be issued by the FPB, meaning restricted to persons who are aged 10 or older. However, it was discontinued in 2019. Additionally, the 10M and 13M classifications were also discontinued, meaning those under 10 and 13 (respectively) must be accompanied by an adult.

Video game ratings[]

It is similar to the feature film rating system, but there is no "A" classification.

  • PG: All ages admitted. However, parental guidance is recommended for younger audiences. This is the lowest rating given to home video releases/video games. Low in impact. Equivalent to low E10+ by ESRB, and low 7 by PEGI.
  • 7-9PG: Only children aged 7 and above can be admitted, and those aged 7 to 9 must be accompanied by an adult. Mild in impact. Equivalent to medium E10+ by ESRB and medium 7 by PEGI.
  • 10-12PG: Only children aged 10 and above can be admitted, and those aged 10 to 12 must be accompanied by an adult. Moderate in impact. Equivalent to high E10+ by ESRB and high 7 or low 12 by PEGI.
  • 13: Only persons aged 13 and above can be admitted. It is illegal to sell a 13-rated video to a person under 13 years. Moderate in impact. Equivalent to T by ESRB and high 12 by PEGI.
  • 16: Only persons aged 16 and above can be admitted. It is illegal to sell a 16-rated video to a person under 16 years. Strong in impact. Equivalent to M by ESRB and 16 by PEGI.
  • 18: Only persons aged 18 and above can be admitted. It is illegal to sell an 18-rated video to a person under 18 years. Very strong in impact. Equivalent to AO by ESRB and 18 by PEGI.

Television ratings[]

It is similar to the feature film rating system, but there is no "7-9PG" or "10-12PG" classifications. Additionally, the impact for PG, 13 and 16 classifications are different and all classifications must adhere to those requirements. Also, the PG classification unlike the film and video game counterpart, children under 6 must be accompanied by an adult. All classifications need to have the logo in the corner of the screen. A full-warning must be issued at least once for the 16 and 18 classifications. Watersheds are mandatory for 16 and 18 classifications.

  • A: All ages can watch this programme/film. A logo must be displayed in the corner of the screen for at least 30 seconds after each commercial break. Impact is negligible. Negligible means very low. Equivalent to TV-Y, TV-G and TV-Y7.
  • PG: All ages can watch this programme/film, but children aged under 6 must be accompanied by an adult. A logo must be displayed in the corner of the screen for at least 1 minute after each commercial break. Very mild in impact. Equivalent to TV-Y7-FV and low TV-PG.
  • 13: Children under 13 are prohibited from watching this programme/film. A logo must be displayed in the corner of the screen for at least 2 minutes after each commercial break. Mild in impact. Equivalent to high TV-PG and low TV-14.
  • 16: Children under 16 are prohibited from watching this programme/film. A logo must be displayed in the corner of the screen for at least 5 minutes after each commercial break. A full-screen warning must be issued before the start of the programme. If the program is longer than a hour, a warning must be displayed every half an hour. Can only be broadcast from 9pm-4:30am. Moderate in impact. Equivalent to high TV-14 and low TV-MA.
  • 18: Children under 18 are prohibited from watching this programme/film. A logo must be displayed in the corner of the screen for the duration of the programme. A full-screen warning must be issued before the start of the programme and after each commercial break. Can only be broadcast from 10pm-4:30am. Strong in impact. Equivalent to high TV-MA.

Publication ratings[]

  • Low to mild impact content is unrestricted without a rating from the FPB.
  • 13: Moderate impact content; restricted to 13 and older.
  • 16: Strong impact content; restricted to 16 and older.
  • 18: Very strong impact content; restricted to 18 and older. Publications with an age restriction of 18 must be distributed in an opaque wrapper that must clearly indicate the age restriction.

Ratings resulting in restricted distribution[]

These apply to films, video games and publications.

  • X18: Adult material to be exhibited only in specially licensed premises, and content may only be distributed to persons aged 18 and over. X18 films may only be distributed in the form of video and DVD in a controlled environment (e.g. adult shops). No public viewing of this film may take place. X18 films may not be broadcast on television and in cinemas. This has been breached twice by e.tv. Equivalent to R18 by BBFC and X18+ by ACB.
  • XX: Material may not be broadcast, exhibited, sold, hired or distributed within South Africa. However, possession of publications that are classified "XX" is legal. Extreme in impact. Equivalent to Rejected by BBFC and RC by ACB.

Material that has been classified as "X18" or "XX" should be reported to the Chief Executive Officer to be published by notice in the Gazette, together with the reasons for the decision. Persons should give proof of age before admission to films with a restricted classification, and cinemas/retailer should forbid people underage from accessing films with a restricted classification.

Refusal of classification[]

FPB can refuse a classification in certain cases, in which banning the material from being distributed, exhibited, broadcast, sold, possessed, or hired. If which the material contains one or more of the following:

  • Child pornography
  • Child abuse material
  • Content that contains propaganda for war
  • Incitement of imminent violence
  • Content that advocates hatred based on any identifiable group characteristic, and that constitutes incitement to cause harm

...should be refused classification and be reported to the Chief Executive Officer to be published the Gazette, unless, if it is judged within context, the film is a bona fide documentary, is of scientific, dramatic or artistic merit or is on a matter of public interest, in which event the film shall be classified with reference to the guidelines relating to the protection of children from exposure to disturbing, harmful or age inappropriate materials. Where a film has been classified as a "refused classification", the Chief Executive Officer shall cause that classification decision to be published by notice in the Gazette, together with the reasons for the decision. In addition, if this material contains child pornography or child abuse material, the Chief Executive Officer shall refer that film to a police official of the South African Police Service for investigation and prosecution. The possession, distribution, sale, hire, broadcast, or exhibit of publications that have been refused classification by the FPB is forbidden within South Africa.

Classifiable elements[]

The following classifiable elements are mandatory and should not be omitted if unquestionably present within a work:

  • L: contains use of coarse language; stronger or more frequent coarse language may be present at higher ratings.
    • For films:
      • A: May not contain implied, verbal, or actual instances of coarse language.
      • PG: May contain implied, verbal, or actual instances of low impact coarse language.
      • 7-9PG: May contain implied, verbal, or actual instances of low to mild impact coarse language.
      • 10-12PG: May contain implied, verbal, or actual instances of mild impact coarse language.
      • 13: May contain implied, verbal, or actual instances of moderate impact coarse language.
      • 16: May contain implied, verbal, or actual instances of strong impact coarse language.
      • 18: May contain implied, verbal, or actual instances of very strong impact coarse language.
    • For video games:
      • PG: May contain implied, verbal, or actual instances of low impact coarse language.
      • 7-9PG: May contain implied, verbal, or actual instances of low to mild impact coarse language.
      • 10-12PG: May contain implied, verbal, or actual instances of mild to moderate impact coarse language.
      • 13: May contain implied, verbal, or actual instances of moderate impact coarse language.
      • 16: May contain implied, verbal, or actual instances of strong impact coarse language.
      • 18: May contain implied, verbal, or actual instances of very strong impact coarse language.
  • S: contains sex or sexual references, including sexual conduct; stronger or more detailed sexual conduct may be present at higher ratings. No allowed at 7-9PG or lower for films, 10-12PG or lower for videogames.
  • SV: contains sexual violence. Not allowed at 10-12PG or lower.
  • N: contains nudity; there may be exposed genitals, topless female nudity, or more details, including close-ups, at higher ratings.
  • V: contains violence; stronger or more detailed violence may be present at higher ratings.
  • D: contains scenes involving substance abuse; more details may be present at higher ratings.
  • H: contains scenes of horror; scarier horror may be present at higher ratings.
  • P: warns parents that content is prejudiced with regard to race, ethnicity, gender, religion, sexual orientation, etc. For video games it is not allowed lower than the 16 classification. Strong impact prejudice will receive a 18 classification.
  • CT: instructions of criminal techniques that may be harmful to society. Not allowed at the 13 classification or lower.
  • IAT: imitable acts or techniques.
  • CI: competitive intensity.


Film and Publication Board (FPB)
A | PG | 7-9PG | 10-12 PG | 13 | 16 | 18 | X18 | XX | Prohibited
10M | 10 | 13M