The Hungarian television rating system has changed frequently during the last few years. The ratings of the shows broadcasted have often caused interferences because the radio and television authorities have stricter guidelines about age appropriate rating categories for programmes. If a show is not marked with the television authority's choice of rating symbol, the airing channel often has to pay a large penalty to the rating authorities.
Current system[]
Children-Friendly Programme: the programme is especially created for children. These programmes may be streamed all day, and the display of this sign is optional, most of the TV channels don't use it at all. Equivalent to TV-Y.
Everyone: the programme can be viewed by any age. It's not necessary to show this sign during the programme or announce before it. These programmes may be streamed all day, just like children programming. Equivalent to TV-G.
6: the programme is recommended for persons 6 and older. Equivalent to TV-Y7(-FV) and/or low TV-PG.
12: the programme is recommended for persons 12 and older. The 12 rating can fit to all commercials as well. Equivalent to high TV-PG and/or low TV-14.
16: the programme is recommended for persons 16 and older. These programmes can be only shown between 21:00 and 5:00. Equivalent to high TV-14 and/or TV-MA.
18: the programme is recommended for persons 18 and older. Films and shows displaying particular violence and unvarnished sexual, homosexual and transgender content. These programmes can be only shown between 22:00 and 05:00.
All of these signs above are shown before the film in cinemas and can be seen in the schedules.
Everyone: the film can be viewed by any age. Equivalent to the MPA's G.
6: the film is recommended for persons 6 and older. Equivalent to the MPA's PG.
12: the film is recommended for persons 12 and older. Equivalent to the MPA's PG-13.
16: the film is recommended for persons 16 and older. Films displaying violence and obvious sexual content. Equivalent to the MPA's R.
18: the film is recommended for persons 18 and older. Films displaying particular violence, unvarnished sexual content, homosexual or transgender content. Equivalent to the MPA's soft NC-17.
X: the film is suitable only for persons of 18 and older, no one under 18 is admitted to watch an X rated film. These can contain intense violence, sexual themes, and homosexual or transgender content as well. Equivalent to the MPA's hard NC-17. X rated movies don't air on television in Hungary due to no watershed.
There are inverted versions of these signs as well, these variants are used in front of bright backgrounds:
Unlike in other countries a viewer cannot be denied access from entering a screening if they are not the age of the rating. Law concerning TV ratings (in Hungarian)
The movie trailers also have to be rated, however, it's mostly the same as the rating of the movie. These icons can be seen on posters and TV, cinema commercials.
A trailer may be shown in cinemas if its rating is lower than or equal to the accompanying feature film.
Everyone: the trailer can be viewed by any age. May be shown in any feature rating. Equivalent to the MPA's green band.
6: the trailer is recommended for persons 6 and older. May be shown in a 6-rated or higher feature. Equivalent to the MPA's green band.
12: the trailer is recommended for persons 12 and older. May be shown in a 12, 16, 18, or X-rated feature. Equivalent to the MPA's yellow band.
16: the trailer is recommended for persons 16 and older. May be shown in a 16, 18, or X-rated feature. Equivalent to the MPA's red band.
18: the trailer is recommended for persons 18 and older. May be shown in an 18 or X-rated feature. Films displaying particular violence, unvarnished sexual content, homosexual and transgender. Equivalent to the MPA's red band.
X: the trailer is suitable only for persons of 18 and older, no one under 18 is permitted to watch an X rated trailer. May be shown only in X-rated features. These can contain intense violence, sexual themes, and homosexual or transgender content as well. Equivalent to the MPA's red band.
There are inverted versions of these signs as well, these variants are used in front of bright backgrounds:
Former system[]
Before 2002 the Hungarian television rating system was pretty simple. Channels could range their programmes into three categories:
- Unrated: these programmes could be viewed by anyone without any counter proposal. Equivalent to the MPA's G and/or PG.
- △ Not recommended for children under the age of 14: films displaying light violence or with explicit dialogues were ranked into this age category. The symbol of the age limit was a blue triangle. Equivalent to the MPA's PG-13.
- ● Not recommended for children under the age of 18: films displaying violence or sexual content were ranked into this age category. The symbol of the category was a filled red circle. Equivalent to the MPA's R and/or NC-17.
Rating programmes and displaying on-screen symbols were not strictly compulsory for the channels; eventually the television authority found this system inappropriate.
In 2002 a new rating system was created. Ranking programmes and displaying the rating symbols became compulsory on every Hungarian television channel. The new rating system caused problems because the channels were required to display the ranking symbols during the entire duration of their programmes. The symbols were distracting, and viewers feared that their constant presence could damage the television screen. Because of the complaints, the television authority allowed channels to choose to show the rating symbols on the left or on the right side of the screen. Later, channels were also allowed to increase the transparency of the symbols.
18+ due to LGBTQ content[]
A new Hungarian law passed in June 15, 2021 prohibits showing content or material which promotes or displays homosexuality and gender reassignment to people under 18. It is important to note that homosexual or transgender content isn't an automatic 18[1]; Lightyear was rated 12 uncut. Hungary copied Russia, but Hungary also bans transgender content to people under 18. If they violated the new law that Hungary passed about banning LGBTQ content to people under 18 in schools, media, kids shows, music and public places, then they could be hit with a large fine, be sent to prison or be banned in Hungary.