Rating System Wiki

In Iceland, the channel's logo is in the top-right corner. The rating symbols are on the left corner. The ratings used are:

  •  L : Programme suitable for all ages. Equivalent to TV-Y and TV-G.
  •  7 : Programme passed for 7 and older. Equivalent to TV-Y7(-FV).
  •  10 : Programme passed for 10 and older. Equivalent to soft TV-PG.
  •  12 : Programme passed for 12 and older. Equivalent to hard TV-PG or soft TV-14.
  •  14 : Programme passed for 14 and older. Equivalent to medium TV-14.
  •  16 : Programme passed for 16 and older. Equivalent to hard TV-14 or soft TV-MA.
  •  18 : Programme passed for 18 and older. Equivalent to hard TV-MA.