The National Audiovisual Institute (Kansallinen audiovisuaalinen instituutti/Nationella audiovisuella institutet; KAVI) is a governmental bureau under the Ministry of Education responsible for supervising the distribution of audiovisual content.
The ratings are used for film, television and video games since 2011, with video games using the PEGI rating system.
- Sallittu kaikenikäisille (S) / Tillåtet för alla åldrar (T): The content is suitable for all ages.
- The symbol is S for Finnish and T for Swedish.
- There is little to no violence.
- Very mild threat or slapstick allowed.
- Overall atmosphere of animated works is positive and suitable for children.
- Sallittu yli 7-vuotiaille / Förbjudet under 7 år (7): The content is suitable for children aged 7 and above.
- Fantasy or unrealistic violence may be portrayed.
- Violence is generally presented in a negative light.
- There may be mild or short-lived depictions or references to violence.
- For films, persons aged 4 to 6 may be admitted with adult supervision.
- Sallittu yli 12-vuotiaille / Förbjudet under 12 år (12): The content is suitable for children aged 12 and above.
- There are infrequent, undetailed depictions of violence towards people, with isolated depictions of violence with details.
- There may be references to sexual violence (e.g. rape).
- For films, persons aged 9 to 11 may be admitted with adult supervision.
- Sallittu yli 16-vuotiaille / Förbjudet under 16 år (16): The content is suitable for children aged 16 and above.
- Content may negatively affect the development of minors due to its violent content.
- There may be frequent depictions of violence with details.
- There may be realistic depictions of violence as long as it is not sadistic or graphic.
- For films, persons aged 13 to 15 may be admitted with adult supervision.
- Vain aikuisille / Förbjudet under 18 år (18): The content is suitable for adults only.
- For films, minors are not admitted.
- Adults should be free to choose what they want to see as long as it is within the law.
The rating may be supplied with one or more of the following content descriptors:
- Sisältää väkivaltaa / Våldsinslag: contains violence
- Sisältää seksiä / Sexuellt innehåll: contains sexual content
- Voi aiheuttaa ahdistusta / Kan skapa ångest: contains images that may induce fear
- Sisältää päihteiden käyttöä / Användning av rusmedel: contains use of illegal or controlled substances
Former rating systems[]
- 3: All ages allowed
- 7: No one under 7
- 11: No one under 11
- 13: No one under 13 (introduced in 2007)
- 15: No one under 15
- 18: No one under 18
Children up to two years younger (for 7, 11, 13, 15 age ratings) may be admitted if accompanied by an adult.
Until 2001[]
There were even age limits for film age restrictions: 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16 and 18, as well as certificates permitting all ages and a total prohibition (KK).
- S/T: G for movies and TV-Y or TV-G for television
- 7: PG for movies and TV-Y7(-FV) or TV-PG for television
- 12: PG-13 for movies and TV-14 for television
- 16: R for movies and TV-MA for television
- 18: NC-17 for movies