Rating System Wiki
Rating System Wiki

Newgrounds has several ratings for the content on the website. They are heavily based on the ESRB's ratings.

The ratings apply to games, movies, art, audio, blog posts, collab entries, series, collections, albums, playlists and the BBS.

  • E - Everyone (All Ages) - Suitable for everyone. Equivalent to G and PG by the MPA and TV-Y, TV-Y7(-FV), TV-G, and TV-PG by the TVPG.
  • T - Teen (13+) - May be inappropriate for kids under 13. Equivalent to PG-13 by the MPA and TV-14 by the TVPG.
  • M - Mature (17+) - Mature subject matter. Not for kids! Equivalent to R by the MPA and low TV-MA by the TVPG.
  • A - Adult (18+) - Adults only! This is NSFW and not for kids! Equivalent to NC-17 by the MPA and high TV-MA (and also instances that are classified by the FCC as profane or indecent content). A Newgrounds account is required to view A-rated content, provided the user has confirmed they are at least 18 years old.

Content descriptors[]

Content descriptor Corresponding ratings Remarks
Nudity/Sexual M, A Instances of nudity containing exposed breasts and genitals. Content with strong sexuality (including pornography) and nudity goes into the A rating. Real-life pornography and child pornography are not permitted on Newgrounds.
Violence T, M Includes images containing gore.
Explicit Audio T, M The spoken dialogue may contain swear words or crude sexual references. This descriptor is originally known as "Audible Explicit Language."
Explicit Text T, M Text containing swear words. This descriptor is originally known as "Textual Explicit Language."
Adult Themes T, M Any mature subject matter, including crude humor, discrimination, drug (mis/ab)use, etc.