Nudity is a common issue for many countries.
In this context, mild nudity is non-sexual. Moderate impact of nudity can include visible buttocks or female breast nudity. Nudity of stronger impact can include depictions of genitalia, or sexualized nudity. It depends on the rating system to decide what's appropriate for nudity.
Nudity requires a PG rating in the United States. G-rated films have no nudity allowed at all. PG-rated films will have brief nudity. PG-13-rated films can have longer nudity scenes as long as it is not sexual or sexually oriented nudity. R-rated films can have sexual nudity. The MPA is harsh on nudity. The award-winning Nomadland is rated R solely for nudity. Since 2006, MPAA can flag films for nudity. Brüno, a 2009 comedy/satire film that lasts 1 hour and 21 minutes, was rated R for graphic nudity, despite being flagged by the MPAA for male nudity along with 2 other films. In 2018, MPAA Ratings Chair Joan Graves clarified the MPA's position by stating that "we don't usually define [nudity] as male or female ... usually, we just mention partial nudity, [or] graphic nudity."
Every rating can have nudity, but the lower ratings are stricter than the higher ratings. U rated films can have very brief, non-sexual nudity. PG rated films may also have brief nudity without the sexual content. However, even within these guidelines, nudity is very uncommon in U or PG-rated works. 12A rated films may have very brief sexual nudity. 15 rated films without the sex can have prolonged nudity, with sexual nudity not to be very strong. Nudity is essentially unrestricted at the 18 rating.
Nudity needs to be justified for G rated films. Brief and infrequent nudity is allowed in PG rated films. Anything with more than brief nudity is allowed in M rated films. For anime specific content with sexualisation, the ACB will often classify it with the consumer advice "Sexualised imagery". The sexual nudity should not be exploitative, but is allowed in MA 15+ rated films. Sexual nudity is allowed in R 18+ rated films.
All ratings can have nudity, but the lower ratings are more stricter than how the higher ratings are. Very brief non-sexual nudity is allowed in G rated films. For PG rated films, brief nudity is allowed. 12A rated films can have brief sexual nudity. For 15A rated films, sexual nudity can be allowed but should not be prolonged. For 16 and 18 rated films, sexual nudity can be allowed.
Natural non-frontal nudity can be accommodated at 0 and 6 depending on the frequency and context. Full frontal nudity would at least be a 12. Sexualised full nudity will be 16.
The Netherlands[]
Kijkwijzer doesn't rate films based on natural or non-sexualised nudity since according to their website "there's no evidence that seeing naked bodies in a non-sexual context is harmful to children",[1] but sexualised nudity may receive a 12 or higher rating.
South Africa[]
The guidelines given by the FPB for nudity are more lenient than the guidelines on nudity for video games and publications. For films, according to the guidelines that were effective August 1, 2022, FPB prohibits nudity at A along with other objectionable content, but FPB allows low impact nudity in non-sexual contexts in PG and low to mild impact nudity in non-sexual contexts in 7-9 PG. Nudity in sexual contexts must at least receive a 10-12 PG classification, and anything nudity in a sexual context that constitutes more than a low impact will receive at least a 13 classification. Moderate impact nudity in a sexual context will receive a 16 classification. Strong impact nudity in a sexual context will receive a 18 classification. X18 is when the explicit sexual nudity is depicted primarily for the purpose of arousement even if there's no sex.
The ESRB, similar to the MPA, is very strict with nudity. Partial nudity is allowed in T rated video games and above. Nudity is allowed in M rated video games and above. Too much emphasis on strong details (e.g., anus, erections) and exploitative nudity are likely to be rated AO.
Sexual nudity is allowed at PEGI 16 and above. No other details are revealed.
In addition to what nudity was said for on top, nudity that is related to incentives and rewards will be confined to the R18+ category. Otherwise, nothing else is noted.
South Africa[]
Guidelines for video games on nudity is stricter than guidelines of that type for films but more lenient than guidelines on nudity for publications. For video games, according to the guidelines that were effective August 1, 2022, nudity cannot be present at PG unlike films. Low impact nudity can be present in a non-sexual contexts at 7-9PG and low to mild impact nudity in non-sexual contexts can be allowed at 10-12 PG. No details, close-ups or slow motion of nudity in non-sexual contexts are allowed at those ratings. Minimum receiving a 13 classification for nudity in sexual contexts (No details, close-ups or slow motion of nudity. No use of incentives or rewards for nudity. Both rules apply to this classification), and anything that constitutes more than low impact nudity in sexual contexts (as well as details, close-ups, and slow-motion nudity) will receive a 16 classification, but strong impact nudity in sexual contexts will receive a 18 classification. Anything that has incentives or rewards for nudity will receive a X18 classification.
- ↑ "Kijkwijzer occasionally receives complaints about nudity or ‘suggestive’ outfits. These kinds of images don’t lead to a Kijkwijzer warning for sex, unless the images are meant to arouse. There’s no evidence that seeing naked bodies in a non-sexual context is harmful to children."