Rating System Wiki
OFLC R13 label

In New Zealand, the R13 label is an officially mandated label. Publications with this label are illegal to sell unless when the availability of that publication is restricted to those 13 years and above.

Parents, caregivers or teachers cannot give permission for under 13s to watch or play R13-rated films or games.

Example: The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent was given an R13 label for violence, offensive language, drug use and sexual references.


  • As of October 9, 2023, there are over 1,300 R13 rated titles according to IMDb. (list)
New Zealand Office of Film and Literature Classification
Common unrestricted labels: G | PG | M
Common restricted labels: R13 | R16 | R18
Other restricted labels: R | R15 | RP13 | RP16 | RP18