Rating System Wiki
Rating System Wiki
1920px-OFLC RP18 label

New Zealand's RP18 rating is officially restricted by the OFLC. Those under 18 should be accompanied by a parent or guardian aged 18 years and over. Material classified RP18 should not be viewed or rented by unaccompanied people under 18. The RP18 rating is not applicable to video games. It is applicable only to online media.

Occasionally the Classification Office will assign an RP13, RP16 or RP18 classification to a film or TV show. This classification is different from R13, R16 or R18, where it is an offence to supply the film or DVD to any person who is under the specified age.

The rating was introduced in reaction to Netflix's 13 Reasons Why.

Examples of RP18 classified titles[]

  • 13 Reasons Why ("Graphic content may disturb")
New Zealand Office of Film and Literature Classification
Common unrestricted labels: G | PG | M
Common restricted labels: R13 | R16 | R18
Other restricted labels: R | R15 | RP13 | RP16 | RP18