Rating System Wiki
Rating System Wiki

There are some cases where where certain media were reviewed by ratings board agencies and then ended up either unreleased, or in distribution limbo for a long time.


The ESRB doesn't play the video games it rates. Instead they are sent footage of areas from the game that are relevant to rating factors by publishers. The footage is usually of a completed build, though sometimes they are not. Therefore while most of these are completed games that went unreleased, there are some exceptional cases where unfinished games are rated.

  • Beavis and Butthead Get Big - This PS1 game was rated T for "Comic Mischief, Mild Language, Suggestive Themes" and was scheduled to release in November of 1998, though ended up being canceled for unknown reasons.
  • Maximum Surge - The FMV game for the Sega Saturn, 3DO and PC got an M rating for "Realistic Violence". The developer Digital Pictures went bankrupt before the game could be completed.
  • Nintendo Puzzle Collection - The English localization of this Gamecube compilation was completed and received an E rating. It is unknown why the North American release was canceled.
  • Penn And Teller's Smoke And Mirrors - This Sega CD compilation game was completed and received a T rating with the descriptors "Comic Mischief, Realistic Blood and Gore". It went unreleased because the publisher Absolute went out of business before release.
  • South Park - A Game Boy Color game based on the show was completed and given an M rating for "Comic Mischief". However it was pulled from release as the creators of the show felt that it was an inappropriate fit for the platform's main demographic. A finished build was eventually found and dumped.
  • Thrill Kill - The heavily publicized PS1 arena fighting game got an AO rating with the content descriptors "Animated Blood and Gore, Animated Violence", though was pulled shortly before intended release. Various prototyped builds leaked shortly afterwards.


  • Daredreamer - Received a PG-13 rating in 1989, though was unable to find a distributor.
  • Fixed - Animated comedy directed by Genndy Tartakovsky that received an R rating in September of 2023 for "strong crude sexual content and language throughout, some drug use and violence". The film is currently in distribution limbo, though the director says that it will be released eventually.
  • Scream Evelyn Scream - Horror film given a PG rating in 1973, though went unreleased.