Rating System Wiki
Rating System Wiki

User Hhhheeeelllloooo had created a fanmade AEIOU system, but it's not really legally enforced, though it may be legally enforced fanmade. It applies to films (aka movies/motion pictures), books, music (including CDs and DVDs), television programs, and video games. The classifications are as follows:

  • A: All ages allowed.
  • E: Everyone allowed, but with an age limit of 7 years. Advisory.
  • I: Inappropriate for children and pre-teenagers under the age of 13 years. Advisory.
  • O: Only persons aged 17 years and over are permitted to purchase, hire, or be admitted. This is legally enforced. In addition, all films, television programs, video games, video discs, music, and publications (including books) at that classification must not be exhibited, published, broadcast, distributed, sold, or hired unless it is restricted to 17 years of age or older.
  • U: Under 18 is prohibited from purchasing, hiring, or being admitted to such content. In addition, all films, television programs, video discs, music, and publications (including books) at that classification must not be exhibited, published, broadcast, distributed, sold, or hired unless it is restricted to 18 years of age or older. U-classified titles may have graphically depicted violence or sexualized nudity that are very detailed. If the content contains pornography, extreme sexual content or nudity, or very graphic realistic concrete direct violence that is overly detailed, overly cruel, overly prolonged and/or overly frequent, then the material must be put in a room reserved only for adults or the entire retail store must be off-limits for minors. However, not all films are allowed as some may be banned similar to the UK, China, South Korea, and Australia.
  • Y: Is prohibited but can still be processed. (Rarely used)
AEIOU rating system.


O and U classified titles are restricted to persons who are at least 17 and 18 respectively. In addition, all films, television programs, video games, video discs, music, and publications (including books), as well as CDs, DVDs, and Blu-Rays, must not be sold, hired, broadcast, distributed, exhibited, or published to minors under the age of 18 (17 for O). In addition, the A, E, and I classified titles are not legally enforced, so they may be sold, hired, exhibited, distributed, or published to any age and all ages are admitted. However, as E and I classified titles are inappropriate for children under 7 and 13 respectively, they may check the content advice and information on their website.

In addition, proof of ID and/or age is often required for O and U classified titles. IDs allowed for O and U classified titles include driver license, government license, military license, etc. But ID may not be torn, worn, or ripped. Specific titles can also be banned, meaning unable to be sold, hired, exhibited, published, distributed, or broadcast. If the content contains pornography, extreme sexual content or nudity, or very graphic realistic concrete direct violence that is overly detailed, overly cruel, overly prolonged and/or overly frequent, then the material must be classified U and put in a room reserved only for adults or the entire retail store must be off-limits for minors.


Mainly, classification guidelines for O and U are more leniently treated than others.


Violence is allowed at all age classifications but must be regulated with the smaller ones. A-classified titles may contain minimal cartoon/fantasy violence if infrequent. There is a low sense of threat and menace. Blood is usually absent at A-classified titles. E-classified titles may contain more cartoon/fantasy violence or contain mild/infrequent violence with low amounts of blood but usually without strong detail of blood. I-classified titles may contain moderate violence or strong cartoon/fantasy violence. This may also include infrequent types of violence with blood or frequent types of violence without blood. Scenes of blood may occur if their treatment does not upset minors under 17. Gang violence and domestic violence is generally moderate but not too much emphasis on strong detail. Gore can be shown at I-classified titles if it is infrequent, mild, and brief, and shall be contextually justified, but there are exceptions were gore is either detailed or more intense than other I-classified titles or whereas gore is not contextually justified or frequent.

O-classified titles may contain strong impact violence that are not suitable for minors under 17, or contain realistic bloody violence. They can contain a very high amount of violence. Very strong violence may be present at a limited amount too at this classification. Blood is also allowed at this classification but not associated with very gratuitous, exploitative, cruel, and non-contextually justified violence that is offensive to an adult. Gore is also allowed at this classification and domestic violence, crime violence (including true crime violence), and gang violence can also be allowed for this classification. However, specific types of violence including sadism are restricted to the U classification along with extreme cruelty violence. Very strong impact violence can be allowed, however if the impact of violence is very strong, promotes matters of crime and/or violence, and is exploitative, cruel, and gratuitous, in addition to being offensive to an reasonable adult and not contextually justified may be banned.

In which a film is solely made for violence to create an illusion of support for child physical abuse may also be banned, or child sadistic violence could also be banned.

There are also some films that received O classifications for animated/cartoon violence, for example, South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut. This film was classified R (no one under 17 without an adult) by the MPA, 15 by the BBFC, 16 by the IFCO cinematic, 18 by the IFCO video (15 for UMD), 16 by the FSK, D (no one under 16) by the NFC, and 13 by the FPB with the L descriptor given by the Film and Publication Board.

In order to receive a Y classification for violence, the violence must be gratuitous, exploitative, cruel, frequent, brief, and reasonable enough to be offensive to a reasonable adult.

Sexual violence[]

Sexual violence would receive a I-classification minimum, I-classified titles may have those depictions of sexual violence, but brief, mild, discreet, contextually justified, and infrequent. References to sexual violence may be allowed at the I classification provided they are not gratuitous, exploitative, or graphic. Sexual violence depictions that are moderate in impact will receive an O-classification, including mild depictions of sexual violence. U-classified titles may have strong sexual violence references and depictions unless if it is excessively graphic or erotic, and exploitative or gratuitous. In addition, content that may promote or encourage sexual violence is banned.

In order to receive a Y classification, the sexual violence must be excessively graphic or erotic, and exploitative or gratuitous.

Coarse language[]

Very mild coarse language (e.g. "damn", "hell", "Jesus Christ", "God", etc.) may be used in A-classified titles but not aggressive and frequent. E-classified titles may contain those languages in addition to mild coarse language (e.g. "a**", "a**e", "s**t", "b***h", "***tard", etc.). I-classified titles may include slightly stronger language (e.g. "s***hole", "b***hole", "w**re", "c**k", "d**k", etc.) as well as infrequent use of strong coarse language such as "f**k" but there are some exceptions where those strong language is frequent, rarely very strong language such as "c**t" may be used if it is contextually justified and not overly aggressive or frequent. Strong coarse language is allowed at O-classification as well as very strong coarse language (e.g. "c**t"). Language, for instance, "kan ni lao bu", is allowed at O classification and higher only because it is considered to be offensive to community and cultural sensivities. Language, for instance, "Jesus f***ing Christ" or "kan ni [ profane word] lao bu chee bye" is considered to be only at the U classification. Persistent and extreme impact language regarding China censorship such as "China will be [expletive]ed" is not allowed and banned.

Racial slurs are allowed at E-classified titles if justified by context and I-classified title, but offensive discriminatory slurs may be given an O classification. Sexual terms, violent terms, drug/alcohol/tobacco terms, imitative behavior terms, some criminal terms, and crude gestures also count as coarse language. In addition, coarse language that may offend cultural and community sensitivities shall not be allowed below O. Strong coarse language whose language is accompanied by discrimination is likely to receive an O rating.

In order to receive a Y classification for language, "[Famous China people] will be [expletive]ed" must be heard or shown.


Brief infrequent natural nudity in non-sexual contexts is allowed at the A classification. Infrequent/brief nudity in non-sexual contexts is allowed at the E classification, and also nudity in non-sexual contexts when justified by context may be present at E, however if such material is not brief or infrequent, and is also cannot be contextually justified, it may receive an I-classification. Whereas the nudity is in a sexual context may be classified I, O, or U depending on factors, with I-classification requires sexualized nudity to be infrequent or brief, or may be contextually justified. The O classification cannot have a very high emphasis on strong details (e.g. anus, erections, anal, oral, etc.) of nudity unless contextually justified such as medical detail. Other uses may be classified at U if this is presented. Gratuitous/exploitative nudity is also classified at U. However, any cruel, exploitative, and gratuitous nudity that is considered offensive to a reasonable adult is de facto will receive a Y classification or be banned.

Substance use[]

Alcohol, tobacco, and drug references, if infrequent, innocuous, and brief, or have a drug-free message suitable for young children, can be classified at A. Scientific purposes of using solvents can be allowed at A without misuse. E-classified titles can contain alcohol and tobacco use as it is not explicitly used or maliciously used, and also not glorified, encouraged, promoted, give detailed instruction, or be used as incentives and rewards. E-classified titles must have references or use to drugs innocuous or infrequent, or provide a drug-free message. Drug use can be classified I without glamorization, encouragement, promotion, detailed instruction, or use as incentives or rewards. O-classified titles may contain frequent and sustained scenes of drug taking, and contain use of aerosols, acids, and solvents, but any misuse of aerosols, acids, and solvents that is malicious and/or severe may not be accepted at the O classification. U-classified titles can contain drug use, even with encouragement, glamorization, promotion, instruction, preen, or use as incentives/rewards, etc.

Y-classified titles may contain substance use that may contain harm to the general public and/or the public good. Banned titles can include malicious use of drugs that is frequent and cruel and the malicious encouragement of drug trafficking.


The AEIOU system is moderately strict on sex. A can contain minimal sex references, E can contain mild sex references and also even sex scenes if infrequent, mild, and discreet, I can contain sexual nudity as long as it is infrequent and discreetly portrayed (however some titles can exceed this limit, especially if it is artistic) and can contain sexual activity as long as their treatment is suitable for 13 to 16 year olds, O can contain sexual activity, with nudity, sometimes strong details, even rarely strong emphasis on strong details and even sometimes could be explicit or reference to pornography, U can contain explicit sexual activity or strong emphasis on strong details (e.g. genitalia, anus, erections, semen, etc.)


The AEIOU system may generally classify simulated/regular gambling I or O and classify real gambling (including gambling with win real money) U. Whereas a reference to real gambling is shown but the player cannot win real gambling or real money may be classified I or O if rules are explained, or E if rules aren't explained. A brief mere mention to gambling may be rated A or E.

Imitative behavior[]

The AEIOU system recognizes that more impactful imitative behavior may be present at higher classifications. School violence is also counted as imitative behavior.


Discrimination is regarded as a content issue. Discrimination language must be clearly disapproved of in A-classified titles. Discrimination language or behavior must be contextually justified in E-classified titles, I-classified titles may allow but such behavior or language is unacceptable if aggressive and accompanied by violence unless clearly condemned and/or contextually justified. O-classified titles may allow this but may not encourage or promote discrimination.

Criminal techniques[]

The AEIOU system recognizes that references to (but not exact) criminal techniques may be classified E if not detailed and I and depiction of criminal techniques may be classified O or U. Criminal techniques, as defined by the AEIOU system, may include references to or depictions of murder, arson, burglary, treason, assault, etc.

See also[]

User blog:Hhhheeeelllloooo/AEIOU Chinese rating system.