Rating System Wiki
Rating System Wiki

Hello, everybody! CrippledDragon582 here. Today, I wanted to ask all of you some questions about some shows that I am working on on my YouTube channels John Tvs and Joe Reuben Cartoons, with those being my comedy-related projects, the over-the-top "ADVERB!" and the worst show on the internet ever, "Pool Ball Adventures".

In order to do this, I am going to explain what I am going to put in these projects of mine and what they would be rated accordingly. For the former, I am trying to aim for a "TV-PG DV" rating, but for the latter, I am trying to aim for a "TV-14 DSV" rating.

For anybody who does read this post, you should give me feedback on whether or not these things would be rated as such, or if they would be rated something else entirely. Any feedback would be well-appreciated!


For the most part, I plan on making this series (*slightly*) family-friendly, but there are some things to take note of:

  • The series is planned to often-times has a parodic nature akin to "MAD" Magazine.
    • Stories often end on a note that viewers would not expect, such as villains winning in parodies of movies or the main characters getting punished for trivial things (*i.e. stealing a pie*).
  • Violence is akin to "The Itchy & Scratchy Game", a game that went unreleased on the Sega Genesis; the violence will not be bloody or with intestines, but will often showcase explosions, dismemberment, and characters often only having their skeletons show up if they are shown with a bomb.
  • In terms of "blue comedy", most sex jokes and euphemisms will be avoided.
    • Corn is used as a stand-in for sexual material, similarly to the Ren & Stimpy episode, "I Was A Teenage Stimpy".
      • This is mainly done with Narwhal, who frequently reads "corn magazines".
    • Loads of toilet humor is planned to show up, mainly with flatulence or scatological humor (*minus the swearing*).
      • Flaming farts are often present.
      • Characters will be shown sitting on toilets for a gag.
      • Plungers are wielded as weapons at times.
        • These are shown in the form of "Lightplungers".
  • Swearing will not be present in the series, only using common interjections.
    • These interjections, however, are not appropriate for young children, such as "You blubbering idiot" or "I'ma gonna kill you!".

Pool Ball Adventures[]

WARNING: This section is not suitable for children. Read on with caution!

This show is not meant for family viewing.

  • Similarly to "ADVERB!", not much swearing is used, and stories are very-much akin to "MAD".
    • The profanities however, are more vulgar, such as saying "You pee-drinker(s)".
  • "Blue comedy" is very much present in this series.
    • Sex jokes are mainly used with the villain character, Swellmix (*who originates from IronYoshi1212's "The Barney Bunch" series on YouTube*).
      • He often makes comments about doing inappropriate things, but no actual sexual activity is shown; only implied.
      • He is also shown to be prone to violence.
    • If euphemisms are said by one of the main characters, it is shown to be literal.
      • For instance, if a character talks about "nuts", they will be shown holding a bag of Planter's peanuts.
      • In the planned episode, "10-Ball & Friends Go Fishing", there is a product called "Master Bait", which just turns out to be a giant worm.
  • This show's version of Doraemon is shown drinking, smoking, and overall, being a bad influence (*which is opposite to his original depiction*).
    • Interestingly, he does not swear, but is shown to be incredibly violent and unstable, similarly to The Terminator.
  • Dark Father is basically Eric Cartman if he did more petty things and not deliberately murderous ones.
    • He is shown winning at the end of the series.
    • One of the show's main characters, Bizzaro The Clown, has similar views to Cartman, but doesn't do anything mean-spirited.
      • He is shown sometimes gambling or investing in NFTs/Bitcoin.
      • He is also sometimes shown to have an affinity for alcohol.
    • Retro, one of the show's villains/side characters, is also similar to Cartman in terms of his views and what-not.
      • He often calls people "biggies" if he feels angry towards them.
      • He calls people "wee wees" affectionately.
        • This is not meant to be sexual, but is rather done to parody French stereotypes.
  • Nanna & Lil' Puss-Puss return from their original cartoon shorts.
    • Lil' Puss-Puss often resorts to violence, though it is shown off-screen.
      • He usually targets Nanna over minor petty things.
    • Nanna sometimes does questionable things.
      • This is somewhat toned down from the original series, which has her sometimes getting naked.
      • Her breasts are often shown in an exaggerated fashion.
  • Toilet humor is present, as well as black comedy.
    • The toilet humor sometimes includes references to urine and poop.
      • References to flatulence are not really all that present.
    • The violence is often shown to be gory, but is done in more of a joking manner, with the blood typically being a .PNG image that is "slapped unto" an image.
      • No guts are shown when a character dies.
      • When a character does die, X's appear over their eyes in a cartoon fashion.
  • Dicky-Willis The Executioner, one of the show's main characters, is often shown as being mentally unstable and prone to violence.
  • 10-Ball, the main character, is an "optimistic nihilist".
    • This means he is generally hedonistic.
      • Interestingly, he is not shown to have any interest in sexual activity of any sorts.
  • Teriyaki Raptor sometimes talks about eating other animals.
  • The show makes fun of syncretic politics as well as the concepts of political "wings" and, sometimes, religion.
    • No religion is shown to be parodied, with the religion in the show being a parody of all religions.
  • The show points out "hypocrisy" found in mainstream TV shows sometimes.
  • "Fun-Dip" is a euphemism for drugs.
  • Cities are sometimes shown being blown up, but this is shown for a gag to lampoon action movies.